To race or not to race…
The word 'injustice' is linguistically, not a well thought-out, well-formed word. It leaves the situation open to interpretation, misinforming or leaving the situation open to hyperbole. It conveys that something, according to someone's point of view, was unfair.
A Sword that Heals!
Three protesters dead, seven people shot, 10,000 arrested, hundreds of businesses looted, police stations torched, the national guard deployed, threats of military action and 14 days later, an entire nation has been plunged into chaos.
Somebody’s watching me…
I was reminiscing about my grandparents who are currently in India and I ended up recalling one of my grandfather's most memorable actions with equal parts love and exasperation.
Being Yourself...Not Such a Bad Thing
We all go through life trying to make a difference in our own lives, in our careers, in other people’s lives, and even in the lives of our pets.
Happy Mother's Day
Mother's Day is a celebration that honors motherhood and maternal bonds in family. It celebrates family, love, childhood and motherhood.
A Twisted Tale of the Double Helix
Who exactly was Rosalind Franklin? Didn't Watson and Crick discover the double helix and why is Rosalind Franklin so important?
Circumventing the Coronavirus
The rapid spread of the Coronavirus pandemic has led to the shut down of thousands of events and competitions ranging from the Olympics to Taylor Swift's 2020 music tour to National Debate competitions.
Communication and COVID-19
Billions of people across the world have have been encouraged to socially distance themselves from one another in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
An Untreated Epidemic
A woman complains of uncontrollable vomiting, up to hundred times a night and the only medical relief offered to her for years is in the form of antidepressants.
COVID-19: Back to Basics In the Age of Quantum Computing who would have thought that washing hands would be the biggest story?
150,000 infected, 7000 dead, schools, businesses, cities and countries shut down, events cancelled, and governments is crisis mode.
A Celebration of Martin Luther King's Legacy, January 2020
I was fortunate to have been able to present at the Martin Luther King Voice4Youth finals on Jan 19th, 2020.
We Will Remember
Did you know that a 100 people died from a shooting this last Monday in the United States? Another 100 died from a gunshot on Tuesday. A 100 again on this Wednesday, and yet another 100 were shot to death on Thursday.
Fear - Our Constant Companion
Fear is the one emotion that unites humanity. It is inescapable. It is the most irrational yet completely logical emotion.