A Twisted Tale of the Double Helix
Who exactly was Rosalind Franklin? Didn't Watson and Crick discover the double helix and why is Rosalind Franklin so important?
Communication and COVID-19
Billions of people across the world have have been encouraged to socially distance themselves from one another in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
An Untreated Epidemic
A woman complains of uncontrollable vomiting, up to hundred times a night and the only medical relief offered to her for years is in the form of antidepressants.
COVID-19: Back to Basics In the Age of Quantum Computing who would have thought that washing hands would be the biggest story?
150,000 infected, 7000 dead, schools, businesses, cities and countries shut down, events cancelled, and governments is crisis mode.
The State of the ACA
The Affordable Care Act is still the law of the land despite it being under siege for almost a decade.
Prospective Medical Technology
The world of heath care has dramatically evolved in the past decade with the STEM field now complementary to biology in health care.
Pain Caused by Painkillers
115 lives are lost every day in the United States to opioids and are now considered the leading cause of accidental deaths in the United States (HHS 2018).
Digital Health
We have studied the impact that our diet, sleeping patterns, exercise and professions have on our health, however, we have only scratched the surface of how electronic screen devices impact human health.
Disparity in Health
Medical science has made significant advancement in the past few decades. However, some of the most prevalent and persistent health problems could easily be prevented.
Something normal…
Adolescent girls are unable to attend school and complete their education during their menstrual periods and girls feel embarrassed to discuss such a topic.
Nuclear Medicine
In conventional diagnostic imaging, an external source of energy such as x-rays, magnetic fields or ultrasound waves is used to produce pictures of bone and soft tissue.