Bone-A-Fide Fun!!
The Perry Initiative partners with medical centers, universities, and high schools to host Perry Outreach Programs for young women in high school.
Update for USPS' "Free Matter for the Blind and Handicapped”
A couple of pieces of wonderful news! I was blessed to hear back from an Office in the Delaware State Legislature and the Governor's Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens.
The Consequence of Haste & Ignorance
The Scramble for Africa began with the Berlin Conference (1884–85) and is defined as the occupation, division, and colonization of African territory by European powers from late 18th Century to the early 19th Century.
What it means “to go back”
President Trump has once again raised the question whether immigrants and their descendants have the right to complain about or criticize America.
Not more or less...just another point of view
I was brought up to believe that I was able, because I was able-minded, that the essence of human life was to understand the difference between right and wrong, to believe in the goodness of human kind, of our communities and of our Government.
Remembering Christchurch...Not
Fifty lives were lost in an instant, their families left to grieve. Their chilling cries of pain were broadcast for the world to see on social media.
The Fear and the Turmoil
The scourge of terrorism has once again struck. 253 lives were lost this Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka (Andone 2019). A day meant for celebration quickly turned into a day of mourning and terror.
The Impact of Clean Water on the Developing World
An astounding “.. 800 million people still live without safe drinking water. What’s more, almost two-fifths of the world’s people lack access to sanitation”(“Clean Water ”).
Closed for Business
Federal government agencies rely on funding provided and approved by Congress in an annual budget. If an agreement regarding the funding requests is not reached by the start of the fiscal year (i.e. October 1), then there are two possible outcomes.
The Impact of Satire on Society
George Orwell aptly expressed that, “Every joke is a tiny revolution," with regards to the influence of satire on society.
Maternal Health
The United States in particular fares worse in preventing pregnancy-related deaths than all other developed nations. It is also the only developed nation where maternal mortality rates have increased rather than decreased.
The State of the ACA
The Affordable Care Act is still the law of the land despite it being under siege for almost a decade.
Prospective Medical Technology
The world of heath care has dramatically evolved in the past decade with the STEM field now complementary to biology in health care.
Pain Caused by Painkillers
115 lives are lost every day in the United States to opioids and are now considered the leading cause of accidental deaths in the United States (HHS 2018).
“Our News”
Although there maybe few women in the world of journalism in India, women have recognized the power that the media has to change their lives.
Still as Supreme?
Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court on by one of the slimmest margins in American history.
The Referendum on November 6th, 2018
Former President Barack Obama aptly stated, "Boil it down, if we don’t vote, then this democracy doesn’t work."
Digital Health
We have studied the impact that our diet, sleeping patterns, exercise and professions have on our health, however, we have only scratched the surface of how electronic screen devices impact human health.
Tham Luang Cave Rescue!
The successful rescue of the 12 children and their soccer coach in Thailand was widely regarded as nothing short of a miracle.
The Free World's Hostage Crisis
President Donald Trump's implementation of the zero toleration policy concerning illegal immigration had led to the separation of thousands of families.