North Korea and United States: A Story
The historic summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong In and President Donald Trump has been the center of attention. Although it is important to recognize the historical significance of the recent summit in Singapore, one must also evaluate past negotiation attempts with North Korea.
Disparity in Health
Medical science has made significant advancement in the past few decades. However, some of the most prevalent and persistent health problems could easily be prevented.
Why it Matters?
Education is a universal right that cannot be denied to anyone, but societal conventions, educational standards and poverty must be corrected to combat the lack of female education which stifles the progress of India and ultimately the world.
Digital Empowerment
69% of Indian Women would prefer to pursue a career in S.T.E.M. according to a survey conducted by MasterCard. However, 39% of adolescents consider STEM to be a difficult field and gender biased.
Contrary to the Flawed Beliefs Around Hinduism
Hinduism is the major religion of India and many argue on the basis of flawed beliefs concerning Hinduism that girls should not be educated.
Something normal…
Adolescent girls are unable to attend school and complete their education during their menstrual periods and girls feel embarrassed to discuss such a topic.
There is More to this 70mm Panther
The Black Panther is the movie that is on everyone's mind. It is the Wonder Woman of 2018.
Pakistan's First Transgender News Anchor
Marvia Malik's first on air appearance on March 23rd, 2018 went viral on Facebook and Twitter and became Pakistan's first transgender news anchor.
Patriotism - An Exclusive Privilege?
President Donald Trump had first announced his intention to reinstate a ban that prohibited transgender individuals from serving in the U.S Armed Forces "in any capacity" via twitter last year. His decision would reverse an Obama era policy that allowed transgender individuals to openly serve in the military.
Where are we?
The famed social reformer B.R Ambedkar aptly stated, “I measure the progress of a community by the degrees of progress which women have achieved.”
Nuclear Medicine
In conventional diagnostic imaging, an external source of energy such as x-rays, magnetic fields or ultrasound waves is used to produce pictures of bone and soft tissue.