COVID-19: Back to Basics In the Age of Quantum Computing who would have thought that washing hands would be the biggest story?

150,000 infected, 7000 dead, schools, businesses, cities and countries shut down, events cancelled, and governments is crisis mode. But what exactly is the COVID-19, what makes it so dangerous, what gives it the power to strike fear in humanity and change human habit itself?


The Coronavirus is a viral respiratory illness that can cause symptoms of fever, headache and diarrhea and in severe cases may lead to pneumonia in vulnerable populations. Our fear of the Coronavirus is almost as great a threat as COVID-19 itself. As the number of Coronavirus cases continues to rise, so too does the impact on daily life around the world.

The fear of the virus has a pervasive influence over our lives. We fear the new and unknown quality of the threat and the uncertainty associated with it, rather than the virus itself. Stockpiling of non/essentials like masks, toilet paper, groceries, bread, sanitizers is evident as empty shelves at grocery stores look like it's Black Friday come again…minus the discounts.

Unfortunately, many supplies such as toilet paper and face masks hoarded by the public have barely preventive effects on the Coronavirus, and these supplies are actually needed by health officials to safely perform their work.

Restaurants, theaters, tourist venues - all shut down on an international level. And what “March Madness” or anything else for that matter? The most magical place on Earth too has forced Mickey to a forced sabbatical.

Stock markets, the Federal Reserve rates…the lowest they have been; and the White House and Congress’ actions till now not providing an adequate sense of relief to those hit hardest by the virus falling short of what is needed to reassure the public in this era of fear. Mandatory quarantines, social isolation, and empty parking lots being characteristic of the crises we are living through.

I would highly recommend reading this article that so simply describes the pandemic and the method of social isolation being used to tackle it.

The world has come to realize more than ever the importance of the internet. Virtual schools will be the new norm as schools continue to shut down. Furthermore, people are being asked to work from home, and businesses are increasingly moving online. High-speed internet, portable computers and our improved technology make it possible for millions of Americans to work from home.

The Coronavirus will test the capabilities of the Internet age and our 21st Century technology to its full extent in the coming weeks; this may be an event with the potential to transform our entire society as we know it. Can our current technology support our jobs and our economy and could this be the beginning of a never-before seen future archetype?

The Coronavirus pandemic will most certainly be a defining moment of my sophomore year in high school. My own school, along with thousands of others in the United States has been shut down due to the Coronavirus. While I cannot speak for the entire student population in the United States, the students at my school essentially threw a party when they heard our school president announce that school was shutting down for the next two weeks. The cheers were so loud, that our school administrators could hear them from their office, and had to wait for an entire minute for it to settle down before they could proceed with the announcement! Although the students were ecstatic with the turn of events, I must also empathize with my school teachers and administrators who had to set up cyber school, and also with seniors who have graduation on their mind. So, it shall be school minus the human interaction, and minus waking up at 5am in the morning the catch the bus.

But, what about some other considerations due to such school closures…like childcare for young students whose parents have to go to work? Its impact on student academics, and economic conditions for struggling families.

These are challenging times but we are stronger than anything that has come our way through millennia. And we can already see the world coming together:

U-Haul is offering free storage for students who have been asked to vacate dorms. They have stepped forward in this time of crises providing aid to college students who are most impacted by the Coronavirus. This is the first time U-Haul has ever extended a 30-day free self-storage offer company-wide. Scholastic now offers free educational  resources including day-by-day projects, and active learning journeys  for up to 20 days for teachers and students  conduct online learning even when they are unable to attend school.

Comcast is providing upgraded service on its Internet Essentials package as well as two months of free for all new customers helping connect more low-income families to the Internet so people stay connected and work from home. Major software firms are offering free use of their collaboration tools as more and more folks self-quarantine to outlast the virus outbreak and the demand for video and chat software continues to increase.

For more information check out these links:

According to the New York Times, food delivery companies now offer 'No-Contact' option for pizza to any available food choices to limit the spread of Coronavirus thus leading the change in food culture and redefining food delivery. Major businesses including national retailers to chain restaurants have reevaluated their company policies to help protect hourly workers. Paid sick leave and other common-sense benefits for hourly workers have been updated in an effort to promote financial security in this time of uncertainty.

But, there’s another dark side to all of this good as well. The need for vigilance cannot be even more emphasized during these times as people get desperate, foolhardy and greedy. We see the best and the worst that our society has to offer in times of crises. An increased presence of functions online, presents a treasure trove to hackers and other not so nice folk out there. It is not a matter of ‘if’, but ‘when’ we forget to follow simple precautions to keep our online selves safe. It is essential to keep our your anti-virus software (Windows comes with an inbuilt free one, or check out additional options at PC Mag) as well as all other devices' software up to date. Cross-check everything you read online and download software after checking several sources to validate its functional-authenticity.

With so much additional pressure on our utilities, it may be also prudent to manage our power and internet usage and use only what is necessary. Keep in mind, while we are at home, there are people who are having to head out there and be at work to ensure we remain comfortable and connected. 

The Coronavirus pandemic will most certainly leave an imprint on our 21st Century society be it economic, or health wise. The entire world has united behind a sole purpose of combating this pandemic that has already taken so many lives. The Coronavirus pandemic is something to fear, it is something to exercise caution against, but it is not something that should attain complete control over our lives. The COVID-2019 will be a defining moment in our lives and our futures, but it should not define our lives. Let this be the moment that allows human kind to reset and re-calibrate and be the best that we were always supposed to be



An Untreated Epidemic


A Celebration of Martin Luther King's Legacy, January 2020