The State of the ACA


The Affordable Care Act is still the law of the land despite it being under siege for almost a decade. However, the individual  mandate which was the supporting pillar of The Affordable Care Act has been repealed. Also, despite the fact that the ACA was ruled to be unconstitutional by a federal judge in Texas on Friday, the ruling will not change the health-care coverage for millions of Americans.

The Affordable Care Act is  perceived as both a Pandora's box as well as Santa's Box. The number of uninsured fell to a low of 28.1 million people, or just 8.8 percent of the population, in 2016 under the ACA. The ACA provides coverage for 10 essential health benefits and pre-existing conditions. Children can also stay on their parents' health insurance plans. However, many argue that it takes away individual choice and is associated with many economic consequences.


Insurance companies canceled many of their plans because their policies didn't cover the ACA's 10 essential benefits

Increased coverage raised overall health care costs in the short term.

In 2013, the ACA raised the income tax rate for 1 million individuals with incomes above $200,000.

It also raised taxes for 4 million couples filing joint returns on incomes exceeding $250,000.

Link for reference:

Despite its faults the Affordable Care Act has doubtless helped save many lives and has improved access to health care. However there is much to be improved upon. Without the individual mandate the current health care has severely weakened. The defunding of nonprofit organizations in the insurance market has only sown further chaos in the markets. The recent court ruling has also caused conflict regarding the validity of the ACA.

The ACA was the first law of its kind in the United States that took the first steps to universal access to health care. Although, the law has not fully accomplished it purpose as millions of American still remain insured it is a step in the right direction. The ACA must be modified to allow for individual choice when purchasing coverage and effectively hold companies accountable when they choose not to provide insurance plans to employees.

A compromise must be reached in order to reform the health care system in the United States. Equity rather than equality must be achieved.


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