To race or not to race…


The word 'injustice' is linguistically, not a well thought-out, well-formed word. It leaves the situation open to interpretation, misinforming or leaving the situation open to hyperbole. It conveys that something, according to someone's point of view, was unfair. This is a word that divides people in ways where folks on both sides of the word, feel the injustice. In fact, most synonyms of the word are just as open to interpretation...unfair (to whom), offense, prejudice, bias.

No, you don't need to sanction this thought. You must however understand what it is you are doing. Literally...or is it figuratively?

Life experiences also teach, and types of information, skew. Some call it education, others, bias.

In the presence of much theory, what do we really believe in?

When faced with such dilemmas...we believe in what is not taught or learnt, but instead what we hold to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Only when balanced against these fundamentally untaught values, can we unlearn our biases and comprehend that everything that goes against these basic principles of in fact, without doubt and remorse, ‘Unjust’.

I am not qualified to speak to racial inequity...or in fact inequity in any form. However, what I have learned is that if we put everything through the simple lens of the declaration above, we can recognize the differences without the need for a Socratic episode.

I share with you below The $100 race. Please watch it again even if you have watched it before:

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What’s in a word…

